Let's Talk About the Weather
Let's Talk About the Weather
Ep.16| RWIS Lite – Increasing Safety with Slim Road Weather Information Systems
With Brandon Ankney and Steven Marks, Road Weather Experts
Keeping roads and highways safe is critically important. In addition to autumn’s and winter’s perils, the increase of weather fluctuations and extreme weather events throughout the year pose further challenges to road decision-makers.
Ideally, a dense network of road weather monitoring stations reliably provides accurate, hyper-local data from the road. Wherever that is not feasible, be it due to local characteristics or tight budgets, mobile sensing, and streamlined Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS) can fill the gaps and ensure availability of essential weather and road surface information.
In this episode, our road weather monitoring experts Brandon Ankney (USA) and Steven Marks (Germany) discuss various ways to monitor road surface conditions and atmospheric properties cost-effectively. Tune in and learn about:
- Essential atmospheric parameters for road weather monitoring
- Streamlined two-sensors Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS Lite)
- Retrofitting stations with new technology by utilizing existing infrastructure
Contact us: https://get.otthydrometinsights.com/podcast-contact-us/
Further reading & listening
- Podcast: Ep.2| Intelligent Road Weather Monitoring
- Brochure: Download our Road Weather Monitoring Guide to discover OTT HydroMet's portfolio for safer roads
- Blog: Retrofitting Caltrans' Road Weather Stations using existing infrastructure