Let's Talk About the Weather
Observing the elements is key to better understanding our planet. This podcast tells the manifold stories of experts working in environmental monitoring with help of our sensors and solutions. These range from hydrology to meteorology and climate studies to solar monitoring for photovoltaics. Environmental monitoring combines earth sciences with technology and the possibilities of big data. A lot to discuss, a lot to learn - Let's Talk About the Weather! ===> Find more stories and insights on environmental monitoring on our blog: https://blog.otthydromet.com/
Let's Talk About the Weather
Ep.3| Measuring Amount and Type of Precipitation
Kurt Nemeth & Brad Guay, experts for precipitation monitoring
Season 1
Episode 3
With Kurt Nemeth & Brad Guay, experts for precipitation monitoring
Measuring precipitation is essential for meteorological and climatological purposes, but also for hydrological applications and local communities. Depending on the application and the place of operation, there are different kinds of instruments to detect rain, snow, and hail. In this episode we will talk about:
- Different types of precipitation sensors
- Challenges of precipitation monitoring in different regions
- OTT Pluvio², a weighing rain gauge with 15,000 units deployed worldwide
If you want to learn more, these contents might be interesting for you.
- Meteorological Microlibrary: This collection of resources gives you an overview over OTT HydroMet's monitoring capabilities, theoretical knowledge, and exciting case studies.
- Weather Radar Webinar: Calibration of cloud radars with OTT Parsivel² distrometer data and its urban application.
- How Does Rain Fall? Infographic to better understand what influences precipitation, as well as water’s different states within the water cycle. Additinally, an overview over five technologies to measure precipitation.
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